My Healing Journey

10:40 hakangokbayrak 0 Comments

 translated with google. In order to read better, the help of a partner who reads Turkish is needed. Turkish link added.

Friends, dear forum members

Last week, I wrote a few posts to the group and attempted to explain my personal experiences and impressions. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking and evaluating what kind of mood I'm writing these in, what I'm trying to tell and whether I've explained them correctly, and frankly, I wasn't sure about it. I experienced something, yes, but I may have made false statements in an inappropriate mood and mood. I can say this. In the past weeks, after starting to do regular sports intensively, I experienced improvements in healing from many health problems, and these were extraordinary for me. First of all, I had accidental trauma from falling from a height and from a tree multiple times in my life. I'm going into my mid 40's now, and I started having some neurological problems from the mid 30's. My hands, feet or legs would go numb from time to time. I couldn't lie on my arm, my shoulder was uncomfortable. My lungs were in a state that I'm sure could be called awful.

Starting from the first vertebra, I used to feel my spine turned slightly to the right and tilted forward to feel comfortable, and I would tilt the right chest area slightly down to feel comfortable, almost kyphosis formation (forward arch) was developing in the back area, and then I knew that there would be tight muscles in my back for a very long time and the vertebrae of this region also lost their mobility. I would discover. In other words, I would make my spine comfortable in my seat with almost 3-4 different twists. I had digestive system problems. I say all this, but I was still a person who could see his strength in the village life and did not reflect/experience a very serious health complaint.

Anyway, the health problems I mentioned above started to improve all of a sudden. First of all, I think that with sports, I saw that the back or the vertebrae began to stretch and the vertebrae regained flexibility and full range of motion. Then, two muscle balls on my back, which I don't know how long they had been holding for a long time, were released and dissolved. The night I experienced this, I went to the emergency room because I couldn't balance and walk. As a matter of fact, I just thought that after this problem, I still haven't recovered enough and I may have made inappropriate explanations in a mood similar to what I just said and mixed everything together. In other words, I request that my comments last week either be ignored or partially taken into account.

I think there is such a thing as diaphragmatic breathing. It is true that I have experimented with my breathing. There is something like a complete emptying of the lung. I can't say that I fully understand these things, but I really don't know how much my lung has been cleaned and I don't know how much it has opened and expanded. These happened. Now for the first time in a long time I am experiencing a normal expectoration except for white discharge. My voice has changed, thickened and opened, my throat has really changed.

Apart from that, no matter what medical science says, I think that the heart muscle will be repaired by the body at night in a state close to zero pulse. I believe in this. We can call it belief. Until it is verified or disproved. Because a part of my life has been spent listening and meditation. In my opinion, the appropriate sleep pattern can be achieved with early sleep and intense calming, so it is the human body that provides it.

I had problems with my digestive system and I feel that it is about to go down, there is serious improvement.

I did not have a prostate examination, but I felt a very mild problem like this and it went away. More precisely, it may be from the spine, the muscles that I have never been able to work in the lower region are opened and developing.

I'm not cold. My feet don't get cold. 1 to -1 degrees at night and 3-5 degrees maximum during the day and I don't have a stove. I have my mother and father upstairs, the heater is on, I was moving in the winter, I did not go out. If it was last year, if I had done this to this cold, I would have been sick. Your skin was like your own stove. I attribute this to inflammation.

Color came to my feet.

Years later I'm trying to align my circadian cycle with regulation

There may be things I haven't thought of. As a result, I attribute my personal healing to the full range of motion of the spine. Because after this development, I watched while the body was resting, the human body relaxes the vertebrae at night and broadcasts from the nerve end, and I think it starts the repair process with it. So spinal health can be very important for the healing of internal health problems. This is what I really want to say.

Bottom-up mobility and flexibility can be the key to a full spine and properly seated vertebrae. I think so. I definitely attribute my personal health improvement to this.

I think the human body can repair itself perfectly through the central nervous system. Also called internal problems.

So the lungs can be cleaned, the heart can be eaten, the digestive and other systems can be repaired because I see this, I am experiencing it, I am also happening and there is nothing extraordinary, everything is normal.

The rapid development of this may have created unwanted delusions in me, so I cannot comment on it. What can be taken into account is this.

Spinal health care

Sleep optimization (appropriate environment bed, good rest)

Full confidence in the body for healing, full passage, Confidence in

central nervous control (for example, not trying to breathe at

night ) Ignoring heavy work in physiology at

night Also eye training to day and night light was included. It may also be important. It drains the sinus and optimized the tear flow.

For example, I thought there, is it important that the lungs and ribs are exposed to the sun?

Actually, this is what it is called.

Nothing else.

Heal your spine and your nervous system will give you health.

For example, if he can't, why can't he?

I'm not sure, but be patient with processes near zero pulse and zero breath


very little breathing lung opened with a very narrow respiratory patience

stretches all over the nervous system, bends at night, sleep paralysis, be patient and try to stop instead of sleep

Patience is the cure for sleep paralysis.

Narrow breath patience healing.

can empty the lungs

all complex work

others need their lungs to be emptied for growth

Lung capacity swells, it's like inflating a balloon in the difficult process - you feel like it's bursting. It feels like you have 8 hearts in your chest instead of lungs. It just swells.. It swells over and over again.

Do you stop before you wake up?

If you wake up, will you be patient?

Healing depends on it yes

Days pass, like machine optimization,

it doesn't matter to me it empties the vertebrae into the central nervous system opens the vertebrae and the cable end radiates from those ends (I don't know) and the spine is cramped and that's the only problem I can't stand the challenge, wake up and interrupt the process



Only this

All healing knowledge yes

You ask, why haven't those who looked everywhere, those who built nanorobots, not observed all this?

Your cholesterol hypothesis still holds

Turkish Libary

My personel acoount

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